Fullwidth Stripe Slider Attributes
- cats – Choose the categories you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child categories
- tag__in – Choose the tags you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child tags
- author__in – Choose the authors you want to use in the carousel (ID).
- post__in – The specific posts you want to display (in format 52, 45, 87)
- count – Number of posts in whole slider. (default 10)
- post_in_slide – Set number of posts to be shown in one slide (default 3)
- columns – Columns count (default 12)
- slider_interval – Interval between slides (default 5000)
- order – Post order (default desc)
- asc – Ascendant
- desc – Descendant
- orderby – Order posts by these parameters (default date). For more info please follow this link
- date
- none
- ID
- date
- author
- title
- modified
- parent
- rand
- comment_count
- most_liked
- most_visited
- letter_excerpt_title – Number of characters for post titles (default 60)
- letter_excerpt – Number of characters for preview content (default 300)
- sticky_posts – Use your sticky posts (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_metadate – Show date in a post preview (default 1)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_meta_author – Show author name in a post preview (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_comments_count – Show comments count in a post preview (default 1)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_meta_category – Show category in a post preview (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_meta_like – Show likes in a post preview (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_ratings – Show rating in a post preview (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_readers – Show in a post preview (default 0)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_featured_post – If the post is Sticky, in meta will be shown “Featured post” (default 1)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_category_inimage – Show category in an image (default 1)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- blog_comments_inimage – Show comments in an image (default 1)
- 1 – On
- 0 – Off
- automatic_slide – Decide whether or not to allow moving a content of your carousel automatically (default 0)
- true – On
- false – Off
- clickable_image – Make post images clickable (default 2)
- 0 – Off
- 1 – Hyperlink
- 2 – PrettyPhoto
- disable_fadein – Descide if you want to show or hide fade in images description
- 1 – on
- 0 – off
- slider_arrows – Descide if you want to show or hide arrows on slider (default 1)
- 1 – on
- 0 – off
Fullwidth Stripe Slider Appearance
Fullwidth Stripe Slider with default settings
You’ll have to change code of a JaW Menu plugin. Please open plugins\jaw-menu-gdaynews\menu\JawMenu.class.php between lines 17 – 22 $_widg...
1. Install and Activate “Custom Stock Ticker” plugin 2. Go to Relevad Plugins -> New Ticker 3.1. Name your Stock Ticker 3.2. Choose Cla...
1. Install and Activate “Custom Stock Widget” plugin 2. Go to Relevad Plugins -> New Widget 3.1. Name your Stock Widget 3.2. Choose Min...
Please add this to custom css (appearance->theme options->custom code->custom css) .jaw-box.perex-box .post-categories-labels a, .related_bot...
If you set some google fonts e.g. for menu and you notice that the menu font is the same as your previous, you can simply turn the google preload on 😉
This is a well-known issue with Firefox’s sub-pixel rendering (the official link). Actually you can fix it by adding this css to img tag transfo...
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings of posts on your blog.
If you use WordPress SEO Plugin (do not forget to turn the built-in plugin off via theme options->general settings->Use Built-in SEO) you can no...
You’ll have to change code of a JaW Menu plugin. Please open plugins\jaw-menu-gdaynews\menu\JawMenu.class.php between lines 17 – 22 $_widg...1. Install and Activate “Custom Stock Ticker” plugin 2. Go to Relevad Plugins -> New Ticker 3.1. Name your Stock Ticker 3.2. Choose Cla...1. Install and Activate “Custom Stock Widget” plugin 2. Go to Relevad Plugins -> New Widget 3.1. Name your Stock Widget 3.2. Choose Min...Please add this to custom css (appearance->theme options->custom code->custom css) .jaw-box.perex-box .post-categories-labels a, .related_bot...If you set some google fonts e.g. for menu and you notice that the menu font is the same as your previous, you can simply turn the google preload on 😉This is a well-known issue with Firefox’s sub-pixel rendering (the official link). Actually you can fix it by adding this css to img tag transfo...Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings of posts on your blog.If you use WordPress SEO Plugin (do not forget to turn the built-in plugin off via theme options->general settings->Use Built-in SEO) you can no...
Fullwidth Stripe Slider with custom settings

This action is used before list of photos in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_listphoto() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p&...

We recommend to you to do all these changes in your Child Theme. Now we have Placed New Option in Theme Options. So how to bring it to life. Anywhere ...

This action is used after single content in a single post function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'...

Columns[x] Attributes type – Type of column one-half – 1/2 one-third – 1/3 two-third – 2/3 one-fourth – 1/4 three-fourth...

This action is used after list of photos in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_listphoto() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p>...

We use our custom arrows. If you want to get rid of it, go to edit skin in essential grid and simply remove or comment this code /* jaw custom arrows ...

This filter is used in breadcrumbs title. By standard way is there just “Home”. function my_breadcrumbs_title($breadcrumbs_title){ return ...

This action is used after single in a single post (before comments) function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMA...

Split Selected Text Into [x] Columns type – Type of column one-half one-third last – Last column true Split Selected Text Into [x] Columns...

If you encounter with some weird bugs in the theme (you know, e.g. Oh man, there is something wrong with my theme. Really weird, it worked yesterday b...

Please add to Theme Options -> Custom Stylesheet -> Custom CSS this code: :target:before { content:""; display:block; height:200px; /* fixed hea...

This filter is used in post box. It’s the description text of your post. By standard way it looks like this. function my_excerpt($excerpt){ retu...

This action is used before blog function my_custom_blog(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_before_blog', 'm...

Blog Carousel Attributes category__in – Choose the categories you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child categories tag__in – Choose ...

Have you known that you can create a custom css class and a custom link via RevoComposer’s element? It’s really simple how to style an ele...

This action is used before the box title. function my_custom_box_title(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_b...

This filter is used in post box. It’s the cutted description and title text of your post. By standard way it looks like this. function my_croppe...

This action is used after blog function my_custom_blog(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_after_blog', 'my_...

Blog Carousel Vertical Attributes category__in – Choose the categories you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child categories tag__in ...

If you want to change items order in JaW Gallery, we can tell you that it is possible but you will have to change something in 2 files. But do not wor...

This action is used after the box title. function my_custom_box_title(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_af...

This filter is used in Section Bar. function my_section_title($title){ return " " . $title; } add_filter('jaw_section_title', 'my_section_title'); The...

This action is used after content function my_custom_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_after_postb...

Custom HTML Carousel Attributes items_in_slide – Set number of Items to be shown in one slide (default 1) automatic_slide – Allow moving a...

please go to ..\plugins\jaw-widgets\widgets\ and open file jaw_banner_widget.php. You should see this protected $options = array( 0 => array('id' =...

This action is used before a single perex in a single post function my_custom_perex(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_...

If you do not want to use that image effect on some parts of a page, e.g. on sidebar (first post widget), you can simply exclude that element (image e...

This action is used after footer widget function my_custom_footer_widget(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw...

This action is used after a single perex in a single post function my_custom_perex(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_a...

If you use WordPress SEO Plugin (do not forget to turn the built-in plugin off via theme options->general settings->Use Built-in SEO) you can no...

This action is used before title in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_title() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />...

Here is a quick hint! We are going to show you for Reviews (bear in mind that this can be use for e.g. jaw grid as well) Globally you can set these co...

This action is used after meta tags in a single post function my_custom_meta(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action(...

You’ll have to change code of a JaW Menu plugin. Please open plugins\jaw-menu-gdaynews\menu\JawMenu.class.php between lines 17 – 22 $_widg...

This action is used after title in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_title() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'...

In case of you want to add some options to Theme Options, you can use our filters in your Child Theme. Simply add this code to your child theme’...

This action is used before perex box in a single post function my_custom_perex_box(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_a...

We will create a page that will contain a blog carousel with some additional setting. So, before we start creating something cool, we will have to pay...

This action is used before main photo in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_photo() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE"...

In case of you want to add some elements to RevoComposer, you can use our filters in your Child Theme. Simply add this code to your child theme’s func...

This action is used after Side Box in a single post function my_custom_perex_box(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_act...

We are going to show you how to set a color scheme through some examples from basic to advanced. A color scheme contains 13 colors. You can find their...

This action is used after main photo in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_photo() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p>'; } ad...

Also, we recommend to you, to do all these changes in Child Theme. So we’ve got this shortcode from RevoComposer [jaw_my_element title="" ... ]...

This action is used before single content in a single post function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />...

We strongly recommend you use some online pallete color generators, e.g. HERE. As you can know we use Theme 1 and Theme 2 for different elements on a ...
This action is used before list of photos in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_listphoto() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p&...
We recommend to you to do all these changes in your Child Theme. Now we have Placed New Option in Theme Options. So how to bring it to life. Anywhere ...
This action is used after single content in a single post function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'...
Columns[x] Attributes type – Type of column one-half – 1/2 one-third – 1/3 two-third – 2/3 one-fourth – 1/4 three-fourth...
This action is used after list of photos in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_listphoto() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p>...
We use our custom arrows. If you want to get rid of it, go to edit skin in essential grid and simply remove or comment this code /* jaw custom arrows ...
This filter is used in breadcrumbs title. By standard way is there just “Home”. function my_breadcrumbs_title($breadcrumbs_title){ return ...
This action is used after single in a single post (before comments) function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMA...
Split Selected Text Into [x] Columns type – Type of column one-half one-third last – Last column true Split Selected Text Into [x] Columns...
If you encounter with some weird bugs in the theme (you know, e.g. Oh man, there is something wrong with my theme. Really weird, it worked yesterday b...
Please add to Theme Options -> Custom Stylesheet -> Custom CSS this code: :target:before { content:""; display:block; height:200px; /* fixed hea...
This filter is used in post box. It’s the description text of your post. By standard way it looks like this. function my_excerpt($excerpt){ retu...
This action is used before blog function my_custom_blog(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_before_blog', 'm...
Blog Carousel Attributes category__in – Choose the categories you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child categories tag__in – Choose ...
Have you known that you can create a custom css class and a custom link via RevoComposer’s element? It’s really simple how to style an ele...
This action is used before the box title. function my_custom_box_title(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_b...
This filter is used in post box. It’s the cutted description and title text of your post. By standard way it looks like this. function my_croppe...
This action is used after blog function my_custom_blog(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_after_blog', 'my_...
Blog Carousel Vertical Attributes category__in – Choose the categories you want to use in the carousel (ID). Doesn`t include child categories tag__in ...
If you want to change items order in JaW Gallery, we can tell you that it is possible but you will have to change something in 2 files. But do not wor...
This action is used after the box title. function my_custom_box_title(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_af...
This filter is used in Section Bar. function my_section_title($title){ return " " . $title; } add_filter('jaw_section_title', 'my_section_title'); The...
This action is used after content function my_custom_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw_after_postb...
Custom HTML Carousel Attributes items_in_slide – Set number of Items to be shown in one slide (default 1) automatic_slide – Allow moving a...
please go to ..\plugins\jaw-widgets\widgets\ and open file jaw_banner_widget.php. You should see this protected $options = array( 0 => array('id' =...
This action is used before a single perex in a single post function my_custom_perex(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_...
If you do not want to use that image effect on some parts of a page, e.g. on sidebar (first post widget), you can simply exclude that element (image e...
This action is used after footer widget function my_custom_footer_widget(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action('jaw...
This action is used after a single perex in a single post function my_custom_perex(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_a...
If you use WordPress SEO Plugin (do not forget to turn the built-in plugin off via theme options->general settings->Use Built-in SEO) you can no...
This action is used before title in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_title() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />...
Here is a quick hint! We are going to show you for Reviews (bear in mind that this can be use for e.g. jaw grid as well) Globally you can set these co...
This action is used after meta tags in a single post function my_custom_meta(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_action(...
You’ll have to change code of a JaW Menu plugin. Please open plugins\jaw-menu-gdaynews\menu\JawMenu.class.php between lines 17 – 22 $_widg...
This action is used after title in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_title() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'...
In case of you want to add some options to Theme Options, you can use our filters in your Child Theme. Simply add this code to your child theme’...
This action is used before perex box in a single post function my_custom_perex_box(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_a...
We will create a page that will contain a blog carousel with some additional setting. So, before we start creating something cool, we will have to pay...
This action is used before main photo in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_before_photo() { echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE"...
In case of you want to add some elements to RevoComposer, you can use our filters in your Child Theme. Simply add this code to your child theme’s func...
This action is used after Side Box in a single post function my_custom_perex_box(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />'; } add_act...
We are going to show you how to set a color scheme through some examples from basic to advanced. A color scheme contains 13 colors. You can find their...
This action is used after main photo in a single gallery function my_custom_gallery_after_photo() { echo '<p>I am right here :)</p>'; } ad...
Also, we recommend to you, to do all these changes in Child Theme. So we’ve got this shortcode from RevoComposer [jaw_my_element title="" ... ]...
This action is used before single content in a single post function my_custom_single_content(){ echo '<img src="SOME_URL" alt="NAME_OF_IMAGE" />...
We strongly recommend you use some online pallete color generators, e.g. HERE. As you can know we use Theme 1 and Theme 2 for different elements on a ...