Sources and Credits
- AngularJS
- Angular colorpicker.module
- Angular ui.bootstrap
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap-colorpicker.js
- jQuery chart
- Chosen
- Facebook comments
- GitHub
- Infinite Scroll
- Isotope
- jQuery
- jQuery cookie
- jQuery countTo
- jQuery gMap - Google Maps API V3
- jQuery.hammer()
- jQuery lazyLoad
- jQuery.nicescroll
- jquery-placeholder v 1.8.7
- jQuery qrcode
- jQuery resize
- jQuery Reveal Plugin 1.1
- jQuery selectric
- jQuery.sly()
- jQuery timeTo
- jQuery UI
- jQuery UI Sortable plugin
- Modernizr (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
- icoMoon
- ingimage
- prettyPhoto
- A Purty Labs Production
- Slightly Modded Options Framework
- Social Connect
- Subbtle Patterns
- Tabbed Login Widget
- Theme Update Checker Library 1.2
- velocity.js
- Widget Data - Setting Import/Export Plugin
If you have any issues, please give us a feedback
If you like GDayNews Theme, we would be very happy for stars rating 🙂