General Settings
Here you can set up some special features for your particular post.
Create a new post (Posts > Add New) or open an existing one and, if needed, set the following options that you can find in the General Settings section below the main content field .
Single Preset
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for post. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular post.
- NOTE: If you create a new preset here, it can also be found in Theme Options > Single Post > Single Post Preset list.
To create a new preset, click button and make your settings using options under the appropriate tabs in the window that appears. Follow the individual descriptions. When you are done, save your settings or close the window without saving.
To modify a preset, select it in the drop-down list, click the gear symbol button and change your settings. When you are done, save changes or close the window without saving.
To remove a preset, select it in the drop-down list, click the trash button and change your settings. Save changes or close the window without saving.
To copy a preset, select it in the drop-down list, click the copy button and enter a new name.
Gallery ID
Select a gallery to associate with the post from the drop-down list. If you start typing anything in this field, all your available gallery names will be quickly searched while suggesting the possible names you are looking for.
Related Posts
Set a number of related posts to be shown in the perex box.
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