How to add element to RevoComposer
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- Posted in Codefor DevelopersRevoComposerTutorials
In case of you want to add some elements to RevoComposer, you can use our filters in your Child Theme.
Simply add this code to your child theme’s function.php
function my_revocomposer_elements($elements){ $myelements = array(); $myelements[] = array( "name" => "Awesome Shortcode",//name it "desc" => 'Some description',//add description "id" => "build_my_element", //build_ preposition is required! "type" => "builder", //do not change it 'icon' => 'jaw-icon-heart-off', "size" => 12, //default size ); $elements['my_shortcodes'] = array( "name" => "My Shortcodes", //name it "desc" => '', //add description "id" => "build_my_shortcodes", //build_ preposition is required! "type" => "builder_bookmark", //do not change it 'content' => $myelements, "header" => false //do not change it ); return $elements; } //ADD element to revocomposer add_filter('jaw_revocomposer_elements', 'my_revocomposer_elements',10,1); function my_revocomposer_elements_editor($editors){ $of_options = array(); /* ==== CONTENT ==== */ $of_options[] = array( "name" => "Content", "type" => "sectionstart"); $of_options[] = array( "name" => "My Title", "desc" => "Enter a title", "id" => "title", "std" => "", "type" => "text" ); $of_options[] = array( "type" => "sectionend"); /* ==== Design ==== */ $of_options[] = array( "name" => "Design", "type" => "sectionstart"); $of_options[] = array( 'id' => 'my_switch', 'type' => 'toggle', 'name' => 'My Switch', 'desc' => 'Switch me', 'std' => '1', "options" => array("1" => "On", "0" => "Off") ); $of_options[] = array( "type" => "sectionend"); /* ==== BAR ==== SHOULD BE HERE ! */ $of_options[] = array( "name" => "Bar", "hide_if_layout" => array('shortcodes'), "type" => "sectionstart"); $of_options[] = $editors['global_bar_type']; $of_options[] = $editors['global_custom_link']; $of_options[] = array( "hide_if_layout" => array('shortcodes'), "type" => "sectionend"); /* === END of BAR === */ $editors['my_element'] = $of_options; return $editors; } // ADD settings (editor) for element add_filter('jaw_revocomposer_elements_editor', 'my_revocomposer_elements_editor',10,1);
Bear in mind these rules:
Result should looks like this:
Now if you save the page, RevoComposer generates shortcode with name “jaw_YOUR_ELEMENT_ID_WITHOUT_builder_PREPOSITION”
By this tutorial it will be: [jaw_my_element title="" ... ]
On frontend we get this.
How to handle with it? Now you have to create shortcode with this name. Please follow this tutorial.