

Cannot See Preview of Imported Essential Grid Demo File

If you are not able to see a preview of your imported preset of essential grid, please go to ../plugins/essential-grid/admin/assets/js/ and open file admin.js You should see this code between lines 971 and 973 }catch(e){ // 971 row continue; //invalid json } // 973 row Inste ...

Paralax Video and Revolution Slider

When you add paralax video and revolutin slider, you can encounter with a weird paralax height in lower resolutions. You can fix it by this step. Find line 2428 in ../goodstore/js/app/app.js and add there this code. jQuery(‘.rev_slider’).bind(‘revolution. ...

Cannot Import Essential Grid Demo Files

You will have to contact your hosting company to increase your memory limit or try edit it in wp-config You can follow this link for more information https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP

How to Change Slide Direction in Bootstrap 3 Carousel

Open X_carousel.php files in ../goodstore/templates/simple-shortcodes/ On line 73 you should see tag. Please insert there this code on line 74 (between <script></script> ) jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(‘.carousel’).each(function () { ...