

This is not possible on the Homepage. Thank you for your understanding.
Add this to Custom Javascript Footer (Theme Options->Custom Code)

jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
jQuery('#jaw-menu ul li').hover(function() {
jQuery('#header .small-menu ul.top-nav > li > ul.sub-menu').stop(true, true).slideDown(1000);
}, function() { jQuery('#header .small-menu ul.top-nav > li > ul.sub-menu').stop(true, true).slideUp(1000);
}); });
Just open file orderby.php in ../goodstore/woocommerce/loop and just rename version 2.0.0 to 2.2.0 and thats it. If you have some more issues please feel free to contact us. Thank you.
Theme options in main theme and in child theme aren't connected (data are stored in another database rows). So if you switch from main theme to child or backward - the Theme Options will be different. After update should Theme Options persist.
Please go to Appearance->Theme Options->Footer Settings and turn the Footer Featured Area Assignment off.
Add this code to functions.php (in child theme)
add_filter( 'add_to_cart_text', 'woo_custom_cart_button_text' );                                // < 2.1
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_single_add_to_cart_text', 'woo_custom_cart_button_text' );    // 2.1 +
function woo_custom_cart_button_text() {
        return __( 'My Button Text', 'woocommerce' );
see http://docs.woothemes.com/document/change-add-to-cart-button-text/
Please set RECURSIVE 777 permissions. After the logo / image was successfuly uploaded please set permissions to the default (644 or 755).
Please get this free plugin at https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier/
Please add to custom css: Featured product tag removal .row .woocommerce .box .featured-bar {display: none;}   Free tag removal .woocommerce .product-style-1 .box .price { display: none; }   Add to Cart removal #content .woocommerce .product-style-2 .box .addtocart a.add_to_cart_button.post_name.button.product_type_simple { display: none; }  
The files are located in main_files/revsliders_demo. In wordpress administration go to Revolution Slider then click import
Please use this:
Please use POEDIT tool.

po/mo files are included in Goodstore/languages/ folder.
This problem is probably caused by your settings of max_input_vars.

Please read this article: http://support.jawtemplates.com/goodstore/web/?p=151
This problem is probably caused by your settings of max_input_vars.

Please read this article: http://support.jawtemplates.com/goodstore/web/?p=151

If you don’t want to use presets, please go to Theme options -> Backup -> delete PageBuilder presets -> click on Import.
Please add to your wp-config.php file this:
If you make color/style changes in Theme Options, but they don´t affect your theme, try to add the following code to the end of your wp-config.php file: