Category Preset
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.
Simply go to Posts -> Categories and scroll little bit down. You should see Category Preset Option. Here you can create a new one or simply choose already created one. Let’s focus on create a new one so click New button.
You should see a modal window with lots of settings. These settings are divided into Tabs. Each Tab has different options.
Preset Title
Simply give a name for your preset.
Category Settings
In this Tab you can set
In this Tab you can choose what Metas will be shown
Category Layout
In this Tab you can set Category Layout.
Post Boxes Settings
In this Tab you can set what sections will be shown in post boxes on a category page (e.g. here).
Its options