Category Preset
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings for categories. The preset you select here will be applied just to this particular category.
Make or modify your own presets with detailed settings of posts on your blog.
We recommend to you to do all these changes in your Child Theme. Now we have Placed New Option in Theme Options. So how to bring it to life. Anywhere in your child theme just use this code to get the value: jwOpt::get_option('my_awesomeness', 'SOME_DEFAULT_VALUE'); so we can use it e.g. by this way: if(jwOpt::get_option('my_awesomeness', '0') ==
In case of you want to add some options to Theme Options, you can use our filters in your Child Theme. Simply add this code to your child theme’s function.php function my_themeoptions_menu($menu){ $menu['myoptions'] = array('submenu' => 0, 'name' => 'My Options', "icon" => "jaw-icon-king"); return $menu; } //add section to left menu in Theme Options add_filter('jaw_themeoptions_menu',
Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet. For more information, please follow official link.