In case of you want to add some options to Theme Options, you can use our filters in your Child Theme.
Simply add this code to your child theme’s function.php
function my_themeoptions_menu($menu){ $menu['myoptions'] = array('submenu' => 0, 'name' => 'My Options', "icon" => "jaw-icon-king"); return $menu; } //add section to left menu in Theme Options add_filter('jaw_themeoptions_menu', 'my_themeoptions_menu',10,1); function my_themeoptions($options){ $options[] = array("name" => "My Options", "type" => "headingstart"); //option $options[] = array( 'id' => 'my_awesomeness', 'type' => 'toggle', 'name' => 'Awesomeness', 'desc' => 'Turn the awesomeness ON', 'std' => '0' ); $options[] = array("type" => "headingend"); return $options; } // add options to new section add_filter('jaw_themeoptions', 'my_themeoptions',10,1);
Result should looks like this:
Now you probably want to use your option on fronted. Please follow this tutorial.