We strongly recommend you use some online pallete color generators, e.g. HERE.
As you can know we use Theme 1 and Theme 2 for different elements on a page to be colorized with (e.g. title, links, gallery title, gallery links and much much more). So, we recommend this “hack”. Simply choose your color and add it to the pallete generator. For instance, we need this color “FFA700” to be the same for Theme 1 and Theme 2 color.
Yes, you will not get the same color, but it will be almost the same. If you will have the same color for Theme 1 and Theme 2, you will probably get some styling issues (e.g. on review posts). Please check the next image 🙂
So, in this case we recommend you use a color pallete generator to generate “almost the same” colors for Theme 1 and Theme 2 color. Or simply have brighter Theme 1 color then Theme 2 (darker).
How to use color presets please follow this LINK