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Blog Caroussel in SideBar Widget doesn't work

  • On our site we have a sidebar with a set of widget in it. The last one is a Blog Caroussel. It doesn't work correctly. It will only show the first post correctly, but every other post is not displayed (just a very small part of the featured image from the blogpost). Check our images:


    The code we use in the widget is:

    [jaw_blog_carousel_vertical cats="" order="desc" orderby="date" count_carousel_post="1" post_in_slide="1" blog_metadate="1" blog_ratings="0" blog_meta_type_icon="1" blog_meta_author="1" blog_comments_count="0" blog_meta_category="0" letter_excerpt="200" letter_excerpt_title="60" carousel_style="mix" automatic_slide="0" type="mix"] 

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