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Create arrows to navigate between products in the same category

  • Hi there,
    I created for a friend a way to use arows to navigate between the products inside a category. I wrote simple php lines inside the file "single-portfolio-horizontal.php" that assign the correct urls to each arrow for each product.

    I'm not a professional php developer, and the simple solution worked for my friend only 8 products so far. But now that the catalog has more than 30 items, and the amount is increasing month by month, it is starting to be a nightmare.

    I would need to find a query that makes me to recover from the database all the products inside the category of each product, in the same order that the products are recovered inside the category portfolio. I mean, if I'm seeing a category called Beers, jawesome portfolio will show me the different beers in order, maybe ordered by ID, I'm not sure. What I need is that inside whatever beer I can have an array list of all the IDs of the products in the same category. Then I could be able to search the id of the current item, and assign the IDs for the previous and next arrows.

    I hope my explanation have been clear, because english is not my mother language, I'm sorry!

    Could you be kind to help me with that query?

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