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  • Hello
    After the installation of  the demo style 6  i can not see my older post, i'm trying to resolve the problem but i can not. I uninstall the demo and then my post will show up but it does not look like the demo, all the sliders and widgets are gone. I don't know if is something wrong with my categories or ?. I'm really confused. So i wanted to know if there is a way to erase the post and photos from the demo or?? I'm new in this area so any suggestions wound help me.Thank you

    P.S I deleted the posts that came with the demo style 6 but my site went blank. 
    Concerning the API Keys I got them but it just twitter that is working so far others are not working. 

    My site is really suffering, I have been trying to figure out to set it up to the style on the demo but all have been abortive. 

    Please your support is needed urgently. 

    I will really appreciate all your efforts 
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