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A Few Problems

  • I'm enjoying the template, thank you. 

    How do i remove the site logo from the top that is shown in the tab bar? Such as on this site you see a blue checkmark and on my site with this theme, I have a giant R? 

    Another thing that i'm curious about is limiting the amount of posts to show under the featured posts? Think it would be much better to show 6 than to show more than that. 

    How do you set up the twitter api to work with the site? The link that you give does not work and im curious if this is allowed because when I looked at it, it seems like you need to have a "app" to do it? 

    On the footer of the page, how to do you add more pages to it? I have about and contact but i would also like to add a advertise page as well. 

    Can you also give us the ad sizes that this theme has available? I'm looking to sell in the future directly to buyers. 

    Thank you,

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