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Woocommerce Spinning Error

  • Hi, 
    When I try to buy a product, the checkout page keeps having this spinning/ loading image at the bottom of the page and you can't hit the place order button.
    It is a big problem, because now customers can't order a product and before this is resolved I can't publish my webshop.

    Here is an example product url please try to buy it you will see in the checout page what i mean : http://wpmavi.com/urun/wordpress-hack-temizleme

    i can see its working on demo site but for my web site when i change my flying news theme with twently elevn or smth like that the problem does not occur. Please help me i did follow every instructer in here http://docs.woothemes.com/document/endless-loadingspinner-on-the-checkout-page/ but i counldt fix the problem.
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