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Problems with Infinite Scroll/Category Product View

  • Hi there! I'm using the Goodstore theme.

    1.  When viewing products in a category view- When I click "More" then next set of items populates, but
    as you can see here they are jumbled together.  Some pages are worse
    than others (sometimes, there are only a couple of items that are
    jumbled).  When I click "More" again, this sorts itself out on the
    previous set of items, but the new set of images jumbles.  

    2.  No matter how far I go down in the category (more, more, more), the counter at the top still reads "Showing 1-10 of 134 results"

     When I am way down the page in the category and click on an item to go
    into item detail,  when I use the back arrow to go out of that item and
    go back to browsing the category I am taken back to page 1 of the
    items. I need to be taken back to where I left off instead
    of having to browse through more, more, more again to get back to where
    they left off.


    We really want to use the infinite scroll- I know as a back-up solution we could do the more basic pagination, but we would love for this feature to work correctly. 

    Another issue- the site is running VERY slow with this theme. On our previous site, it had the same images- yet ran much faster. Is there any solution you have for this as well? 

    Thanks so much.
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