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GoodStore Update To Version 5.3 Has Problems

  • Hi,

    I updated the theme to 5.3. These are my issues:

    1. The theme options panel is not showing anything - its blank. I can't access any of the theme options to make changes.
    2. When I am logged in the colors on the site are wrong and the font doesn't resemble LATO at all.
    3. I cannot update to php 7.3 or 7.4  - the site admin area breaks and I can't get into the backend of the site -- I am running on php 7.0. that's as high as I could go.
    4. Then I tried to create a user / pw for your support but the user area where you enter a pw is broken. 
    I have pulled the backup file which has a lower theme and wordpress version.

    Please advise how to fix this.
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