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Checkout page appears in small resolution

  • Hello,

    I am running your theme on 2 of my sites. Unfortunately in one of them I am facing a display issue on the checkout page. For some unknown reason it is displayed as on a mobile - columns are really tight and fields are not displayed correctly (see the below image). 

    I guess the issue is related to the resolution of the page or its related configuration. When trying to work in developer mode in Google Chrome I found out that if I change the size of the column 2 in the template-wide-min.css ( wp-content/themes/goodstore/css) to bigger than the 225 px the issue is gone. Unfortunately when I apply the change in the real code it does not seem to work... This is the piece of code I am referring to 

    .col-lg-2 {
    1. width225px;

    Can you please check and let me know what the issue might be related to? 

    Best regards,

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