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Customization Option

  • Hello. We spoke on Themeforest website. I would like to take advantage of your customization which would allow me to redirect the login and register links to different url's. Other than that, theme is fantastic and I will definitely give a good five star rating! Just tell me what information you require or just give me the code and refer me where it needs to be placed in the child theme. Thank you!

    Previous conversation:




    When login is clicked on, I would like it to redirect to
    another page without logging in to the wordpress database. I that





    How do I change the login and register links so they point to different urls? Is that possible?


    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately not by
    default. I will have to customizate it for you. Please make a request
    on our support forum here – http://support.jawtemplates.com. Thank you.
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