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Error log

  • I dunno if you know about this but i have asked woocommerce who said its nothing to do with a core woocomerce file.

    On wp engine in the error logs i get loads fo messages

    [client] The The "add_to_cart_fragments" hook uses
    out of date data structures and function is deprecated since version
    3.0.7. Replace with woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments., referer:

    They said

    error message isn't in a WooCommerce core file because our platform no
    longer uses that particular hook, it's deprecated. It's coming from one
    of the other third-party plugins on the site.

    As Danny asked previously, What is the behavior if you temporarily switch to the default WordPress theme ( Twenty Sixteen )?

    Please test also with all non-Woo plugins disabled to rule out a conflict.

    I have tried the theme and made no difference.

    Do you have any ideas where the file could be that needs updating or any solutions?


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