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Mobile Menu Problem

  • On my website I selected the "full menu" for my mobile menu type.  

    I have a main menu item, then 2 sub menus, and each sub menu has sub items under it.  The layout is like this:

     - Item 1
        - A
        - B
        - C
     - Item 2
        - A
        - B
        - C

    When I visit my website on my pc these sub menus do not show up until I hover my mouse over the top tiered menu item.  Then the 2 sub menus show up, and I have to hover my mouse on one of those to get the next level of links to show up.  This is perfect.

    My problem is on my iphone, when I pull up the menu and tap on the top tiered menu item, it opens up ALL of the sub items at once.  It makes for a very long list which is confusing and ugly.  

    Is there a way on the mobile menu to allow each menu item and sub menu item to only open up if you tap on it?

    Thank you!
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