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Conflicts with Plugin?

  • I'm using the GoodStore theme coupled with a custom product designing plugin called Fancy Product Designer. I noticed that sometimes, the page with the Fancy Product Designer will get stuck on loading no matter how long I let it wait. This doesn't happen every time, but it's about a 25% chance it will hang. I have contacted the dev for the Fancy Product Designer plugin and he indicated that the issue may be with the GoodStore theme or some javascript files that it is using. Here's what I've tried so far...
    •  I have tried Fancy Product Designer on its own on a brand new Wordpress installation with no other plugins (aside from WooCommerce) and haven't had this issue. 
    • I've tried it with all my plugins and the default Twenty-Twelve theme and didn't get the issue.
    • I've tried it with all my plugins, another custom theme and didn't have the issue.
    It seems the plugin hanging on initialization only happens when I'm using the GoodStore theme so I thought I'd bring the matter to you and see if it can get fixed. Thanks!
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