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I need help

  • Hello, Good morning! 

    I'm having some difficulties to do some things. 

    1 - How do I put the price on the home page of products? equal to the original model 

    2 - How do I put the stars to appear in the original model? I had managed to put on, but something happened and the stars disappeared. 

    3 - On the homepage of the products do not appear as the description? I want the description to appear only on the product page. 

    4 - the page where all products appear, how to put the "buy" button? 

    5 - in filter products, could just put the filter price, I would like to put other types of filters, it is possible? 

    6 - How do the "banner" above the posts on page Pinterest Blog? example: http://demo.jawtemplates.com/goodstore/goodstore01/pinterest-blog/
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