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Essential Grid Bug

  • Hi,

    I think I have found a bug/issue with Essential Grid v2.1.0.1 (latest I believe).

    I'm running WP 4.7.2, Goodstore 3.0.7 on a Child-theme and all plugins uptodate.

    I use the Essential Grid on my homepage and have been for many many months. 

    When I upgraded Essential Grid I noticed;
    1) I had url page links on each grid item - links stopped working, even when I re-edit and save.

    2) In Ess Grid Admin area - if you edit, move grid items around and click Save - all seems to be ok you get a "Saved message". But when you refresh the home page changes are not being saved. If you re-edit again (Admin Area), Click Save again, but then click "Refresh" - the changes are reverted back.

    My Temp Fix:
    I had to rollback to my last working version which was v2.0.9.1 - Thats fixed the problems!

    So I don't know if you can check to see what may be causing this issue in latest version of Ess Grid pls?


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