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Minimize request size

  • Hello there,

    I've got this awesome theme, and I have a question that I'm worried about and that I would like to sort out.

    There is an issue with minimize request size on single post pages as shown on the sample below:

    Error is sort of:

    The requests for the following URLs don't fit in a single packet. Reducing the size of these requests could reduce latency.

    • data:application/octet-stream;base64,d09GRgABAA ... I4tDR3JIBEhJJBBs5mFi5NHawfi/dQNL70YmBhcADHYj9AAA

    From what I can tell that has been caused by some font. What is font that is causing this and what I can do to sort this issue out?

    Let me know please.

    Thank you.
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