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DB QUery issue

  • The WooCommerce environment using GoodStore as parent theme is doing some massive queries towards the database, causing the hosting company to have issues (and even locking down the site for some time).

    I can see a lot of queries (150 to 200) for the homepage but that should not be a show stopper, according to me. There do is 1 strange query (very very long, even repetitive parts) that is causing a lot of DB traffic. Please find some query logging screen shots: 
    http://www.ur-upload.de/image/94e (start of the query) 
    http://www.ur-upload.de/image/94n (end of the query, but I had to scroll way down to get to this part) 
    http://www.ur-upload.de/image/946 (there is 1 item that costs 34.95 which is frequently visible in the query => it does have 40 variations but some products go even up to 100 variations)

    I cleared all transients using WooCommerce tools and now the enormous query seems gone. But when you surf around a bit, the massive queries are returning. According to WooCommerce this is theme related, do you have an idea where this comes from?

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