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Product Finder Plugin

  • I installed a plug in from Woothemes, Product Finder, where you can let people search by different attributes or categories. It was not working correctly, even the layout was off, so I contacted them for help. They asked me to activate 2012 theme and check it out, and then deactivate all plugins except woocommerce. I didn't have to deactivate any plugins, as soon as I change the theme to 2012, the product finder worked. So, I need some help making this work with my site http://awesome.linux-girl.com/product-category/awesome-adventures-tour-types/las-vegas-and-utah-atv-tours-rentals/

    This is what they said at woothemes:
    I'm definitely seeing some JavaScript errors on your site. Typically
    issues like this may be caused by either a conflict with your theme or
    with another plugin. How we usually address this type of issue is to
    have you temporarily switch back to the WordPress Twenty Twelve Theme
    and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce. If that resolves the
    issue, then slowly re-enable features until you find the one that's
    causing the conflict.
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