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jaw section coding used in widget

  • If a widget doesn't exist, can I take the following code and place it as "text" (by adding a text widget to my sidebar)?

    [jaw_section class="" size="4" box_title="Title blog carousel vertical"
    bar_type="off" fullwidth="" full_back_color="" woo_bar_sort=""
    catalog_mode="off"][blog_carousel_vertical cats="1468" order="desc"
    orderby="date" count_carousel_post="9" post_in_slide="1"
    blog_metadate="0" blog_ratings="0" blog_meta_type_icon="0"
    blog_meta_author="0" blog_comments_count="0" blog_meta_category="0"
    letter_excerpt="300" letter_excerpt_title="60" carousel_style="bar"
    automatic_slide="0" type="default" class="" bar_type="off"
    woo_bar_sort="" fullwidth="" full_back_color="" box_size="4"
    catalog_mode="off" ] [/jaw_section]

    I don't think this will work, but I want to have my vertical blog displayed as a widget and unsure how to accomplish this.
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