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Import own rating in blog posts

  • Hello,

    I want to import blogposts with own ratings. My import file has an xml format. That meant this " signs in xml file are masked " . If I import this value from xml file O:9:"oneRating":6:{s:2:"id";s:13:"Design";s:4:"name";s:14:"Design";s:4:"type";s:5:"stars";s:5:"score";s:3:"0.4";s:5:"voted";s:1:"1";s:8:"useredit";s:1:"0";} then is the database entry empty.

    Normally the value should be serialized, that right? I can import each several value like   

    [id] => Design

    [name] => Design

    [type] => stars

    [score] => 0.9

    [voted] => 1

    [useredit] => 0

    But the first part is invalid  [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => oneRating 

    You can look here http://www.unserialize.com/s/3a5bba17-a8f5-66e8-eb1e-000000a6ae6c 

    This is the value after import 


    Missing is this part: O:9:"oneRating":6:

    How can I import a valid value? Have you an idea?

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